Dave Brake Creations
Mind-altering Interactive Entertainment


The latest happenings at Dave Brake Creations

Egg Scramble! released!

Another jam, another game!

Ludum Dare 45 wrapped up this past Monday. After 72 hours of white knuckle game development, Egg Scramble!, a 2D Action game about a chicken living its best life, has been released!

The goal of LD45 was to create a game with the theme “Start with nothing”. I decided to make a game about a chicken that starts each day with empty nests and must scavenge food to fill their Egg Meter in order to lay eggs. While doing this, they must also avoid hungry foxes that roam around the yard.

This was my fourth game jam. Unfortunately I ran out of time and was unable to add audio but I was happy to have finished a playable game with a charming aesthetic. As usual, I’ll be writing a post-mortem after the voting has concluded.

Egg Scramble! runs on PC/Mac/Linux in web browser via WebGL. Try it out and let me know what you think!

Ludum Dare Link: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/45/egg-scramble