Mind-altering Interactive Entertainment


The latest happenings at Dave Brake Creations

Now on Instagram (finally?) + more!


Hi all! I apologize again for the lack of updates. My focus lately has been on work as a software developer and a newish venture that I’ll get into shortly.

First up - I’m finally on Instagram! Truthfully I’m not the biggest fan of social media in general but I realize it’s a necessity for promotion these days. Check out my page (and follow if interested) by clicking the icon on the navigation bar above or this direct link: https://www.instagram.com/realbalance686/

Next, the “newish” venture I spoke of. As an indie game developer you tend to wear many hats (all of the hats actually) and one that has really captured my attention lately is music production. It’s something I did many years ago. and after an 8+ year hiatus it seems that I’m back in the game to some extent!

I picked up a small production setup over Xmas holidays and began shaking the rust off by producing hip-hop music. To my surprise, I started getting requests to purchase the music based off of samples I posted on Twitter and Facebook. I’ve been doing beat commissions since then which will likely turn into something more formal in the future. For now, if you’re interested in checking out any of my beat samples, which I post regularly, head over to my IG page!

I want to say thank you again to everyone that has been supporting DBC! Bud Blitz is continuing to move units and the music work has been steady so I couldn’t be happier. Stay safe out there!
